Trash and Recycling

Bates Trucking provides trash and recycling services to Glencourse Cluster.

Collection Day


 Monday and Thursday



Yard Waste

Check the Bates website  for holiday and inclement weather information
Customer Service: 1-800-840-6454

  • Garbage cans and recycle bins must be labeled with the house number
  • Garbage, recyclables, and yard debris are to be placed on the curb no earlier than dusk the night before regularly scheduled collection days.
  • Residents shall not dispose of yard debris in the woods surrounding Glencourse Cluster.
  • Garbage is to be placed in trash cans or thick, dark colored garbage bags. Do not leave trash in white plastic bags which are easy pickings for crows, raccoons, and squirrels.
  • Garbage cans and recycling bins are to be taken in as soon as possible after trash is collected, no later than 9:00 pm the day of collection.
  • Garbage cans/recycling bins are to be stored out of sight from the street, either in a properly concealed area or in the rear yard; they are not to be stored on a front porch or stoop.
  • Residents who miss the regularly scheduled collection should properly store garbage until the next collection day.  In such instances, uncollected garbage is not to be left on or at the street

UPDATE AS OF 10/8/19

What: Glass has been removed from single stream collection in Fairfax county. Residents should reuse glass containers or bring them to purple, glass-only recycling bins located throughout the region. Glass collected in the purple bins is brought to Big Blue (the County’s Glass Recycling Machine) for processing. The glass is processed for use in county projects and other beneficial uses.

Why: During the collection, transportation, and sorting process for single stream recycling, glass is routinely broken and mixed with valuable materials. This broken glass can contaminate valuable recyclables. The abrasive broken glass damages the machinery at the recycling facility.

When: Beginning October 1, 2019, glass will no longer be required to be collected at curbside as a recyclable material.

Where: Glass bottles and jars may be brought to any purple containers located in Fairfax county, Alexandria, Arlington, and Prince William County or placed in the trash.

**Broken glass: Carefully package into a rigid container. Label the package "GLASS" and set out with your trash for disposal. **

There is a purple glass recycling container located at the south Reston Park and Ride at the intersection of Reston Parkway and Lawyers Rd.